This policy covers the loss of money belonging to the insured or for which he is legally responsible while on the premises specified (out of safe during business hours and in specified locked safe(s) or strong room(s) outside business hours and while in transit to and from the bank.

The policy also covers loss of or damage to specified safes and/or strong rooms as a result of money being stolen there from or any attempt thereat.
The policy does not cover:

  1. Fraud or Dishonesty of employees
  2. Error or omission
  3. Depreciation in value
  4. Any consequential loss
  5. Unexplained losses
  6. Deductible/Excess
  7. Cost of replacement of safe keys
  8. Transit by post
  9. Riot & Strike

The policy will normally have an extension for assault cover for money-handling staff, and loss or damage employees’ effects during an attempted or successful incident.

  1.  Infidelity of Employees cover subject to discovery within 72 hours – limit of cover restricted to 50% of limits of cover.